Tuesday, June 7, 2011


this what will happen kalau takut sgt dgn darah...
mcm nk tergelak...
tapi aku ad potensi nk jadi mcm ni...
x tau la..
anyway upd8 ni pasal movie''The Back Up Plan",
movie ni best...tahun lps keluar,tapi ak br tgk...
ak upd8 post ni sbb part yg ak upload ni best...
x tau la ak nt mcm mn???
2 my future wife,
harap anda BERSABAR dgn ragam sy ni kalau bnda2 melibatkan darah...
bukan takut...
juz x bp brn je...

p/s:-Blood phobia (also, AE: Hemophobia, BE: Haemophobia) is the extreme and irrational fear of blood. Acute cases of this fear can cause physical reactions that are uncommon in most other fears, specifically vasovagal syncope (fainting).[1] Similar reactions can also occur with trypanophobia and traumatophobia. For this reason, these phobias are categorized as "blood-injection-injury phobia" by the DSM-IV.[2] Some early texts refer to this category as "blood-injury-illness phobia.


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